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How Does It Work?

Choose a cryopreservation plan

Collect & schedule sample pick up from your home

Get expert-reviewed results in 24 hours

Based on the plan, complete your goal & preserve your sperm

Withdraw your sample with a one-time free shipment to your chosen ART clinic

Why Choose SpermVault?

Tests 11 parameters & 14 conditions

Includes DNA fragmentation

Quality guarantee of up to 5 lakhs

One-time free shipment of sample

Complete privacy & confidentiality

Who Should Choose SpermVault?

Wish to preserve their fertility at its peak for the future

Undergoing treatments like cancer therapy or prostate/testicular surgery

Wish to bank their sperm as they have high-risk occupations such as military, law enforcement, firefighters etc.

Want to delay their parenthood

Consuming bodybuilding supplements that may affect their fertility

Undergoing gender affirmation surgery

Here’s What Your Journey Will Look Like…

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